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Aymed Hair Serum

These days, there are several different reasons for hair loss which has become a common problem for everyone, regardless of men and women. Depending on generally daily consumed foods, used shampoos or many chronic reasons, lots of people experience hair loss. Hair loss is a problem that usually begins after the age of 27 in men and 41 in women.

Aymed Hair Serum has become a significant brand in hair care. Besides stopping hair loss with 9 herbal essences added to its formula, it highly contributes to the formation of new hair follicles by strengthening the hair follicles. Regardless of the need for hair transplantation or similar aesthetic surgeries, you will be able to get the previous hair you missed with Aymed Hair Serum.

Aymed Hair Serum which is developed as a result of clinical studies conducted in 11 different countries in 6 years, is an important invention for baldness (alopecia). It is the most preferred baldness treatment product since it does not contain any chemicals. The serum, which you can easily apply at home, is completely organic and herbal essence formula supports the normal growth process of the hair thanks to its strong and dense content. It strengthens the hair follicles and helps hair growth in the applied area.

Thanks to its special formula enriched with many different herbal essences, the product contributes to the maintenance of serum balance and to increase the quality of hair with its nourishing features. It provides you to have healty-growth hair thanks to the stronger scalp.

What's in the box
Aymed, which is the first brand that comes to mind in the world for hair loss treatment, completed Aymed Hair Serum with tests conducted in 11 different countries as a result of 6 years of research and development. In the box you will receive after ordering; There are 10 serums, 1 dermaroller with a micro needle roller and 1 dropper box to help you drop the serum.

First of all, we must say that Aymed Hair Serum is a product against hair loss that you can apply alone at home. It is extremely easy to use and apply.
- Make sure your hair is clean and dry,
- Open Aymed Hair Serum cap and insert the dropper in the box by pressing it slightly,
- Apply Aymed Hair Serum by shaking the bottle slightly vertically on the hair loss area. Daily use of 2 ml is sufficient. One bottle contains 6 ml dose of serum, i.e. one bottle contains 3 daily doses,
- In order to diffuse the hair follicles well, gently massage the area where serum is dropped with your fingertips,
- After this process, rub the dermaroller serum in the box in the area where you dropped it. Perform this process for 2 minutes in order to gain better access to the hair follicles and to have a fast effect,
- Do not wash or rinse after applying the product,
- Wash the dropper apparatus and dermaroller with warm water after Aymed Hair Serum is applied.

Aymed Hair Serum, which is so simple to use, prevents hair loss by invigorating and strengthening your hair follicles and highly contributes to the growth of new hair follicles instead of hair shed.

You can find out videos of using the product on our YouTube channel. If you need more detailed information about a different subject, you can contact us at any time via our website or social media accounts.


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